Tuesday, November 20, 2012

2nd Grade Mammal Research

Mrs. Ouimet's 2nd Grade students have been researching mammals in the library. After talking about mammals in the classroom and library, each student chose to research a mammal they found particularly interesting. They used reference books, Pebble Go (online research database just for K-2 students) and the Internet. Students learned many computer and technology skills as well as how to use books for research. Now that all of their research is complete, students are learning how to make informative power point presentations with images.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

McKenzie Wins RIF Contest

Riverside students were offered the chance to enter a drawing contest to illustrate what RIF (Reading Is Fundamental) means to them or what RIF represents. There were many great entries submitted! However, there was only one winner; McKenzie in Mrs. Shephard's fourth grade class secured first prize! McKenzie's drawing will be placed on a magnet for every Riverside student to take home on RIF day which is this Thursday November 8th. Four other runners-up also received a coupon for a second free book on RIF day. Congratulations to all the contest winners and to all the students who entered the contest and did a super job!

McKenzie K. - 1st Place

Carly E. - Runner-up

Mary B. - Runner - up

Edison L. - Runner-up
Andrew L. - Runner-up