Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dr. Seuss in the Library

To celebrate Dr. Seuss's Birthday, I invited special guests to read Dr. Seuss stories to Riverside students all day in the library. In addition to listening to Dr. Seuss stories, each student was given a 'happy birthday' cupcake, baked by Riverside faculty & staff. Guest readers included Gary Dilello from the Boys and Girls Club, Mrs. Flack (school nurse), Ms. Elizabeth Raphaelson of the Green Toad Bookstore, The Cat in the Hat, Sergeant Tim Pidgeon (State Trooper), Mrs. Maria Neer in her construction gear!, Mrs. Jayne Kelly (Bugbee school & former RS library aide), and the Riverside Action Hero! It was a great day!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Atlas & Map Skills

We are learning how to use an Atlas and investigate maps in the library! Students found  many interesting things while exploring the world.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dr. Seuss

In anticipation of celebrating Dr. Seuss's Birthday in the library, 5th grade students helped to decorate by re-designing or re-creating their favorite Dr. Seuss book cover. What talent!